Sunday, March 7, 2010

First Weekend Home

An eventful weekend for little Maks! On Saturday we made a trip out to my sister Leslie's house so Maks could meet his cousin Rylan. After that we went to Grandma Shirlene's house. I know they say not to take adopted children away from their new home much or expose them to a lot of new people, but Maks does NOT like being in the same place all the time. He goes crazy. So the other venues were a good distraction.

Leslie's house is better than Chuckie Cheese. Rylan has a ton of toys that Maks LOVED. Mom, Dad, Ang and Luke came by to see both Ry and Maks. It was so cute. Rylan was such a great sharer! He had a little truck that they can drive and Rylan loves it. Maks would not vacate the drivers seat. At first Rylan was upset but then he learned how to ride on the tailgate of the truck and be pushed by Grandpa. Whenever I want to tucker Maks out I'll take him to Rylan's playground!

Shirlene's house was full of more attention for Maks. Uncle Jerrod and Maks's cousins all came over to meet him. Maks is such a showman. Anytime he has new friends to meet he's all smiles. Even if its 10 minutes after a major tantrum! He knows who is Grandma is and was happy to give her hugs. :) Good move.

Today was a little more low key. Breakfast and playing at home. Every day gets a little better with the tantrums and his familiarity with us. He's been sleeping fairly well although every day brings something new there too.

I'm attaching some pictures of Maks from this weekend. SO CUTE!


  1. Wow, Wenders, what an adventure. Thank you for writing this blog. For me, I feel closer to you and your life's experiences. This is wonderful to me being so far away from you during the most monumental time in your life. By you taking the time to write this, you have kept everyone reading this close to your life, to your heart and now to your larger family. Love you.

  2. Hi Wendy,
    Welcome Home!!! I've been following your blog while you were gone. We adopted a little girl from the same baby house in Jan 2008--she was 18 months then, 3 1/2 now. Your blog brought back such memories, I was often crying with you. Just know it does get better and soon Russia will be a distant memory (until you read somebody elses blog to remind you!!!) He is adorable--congratulations.
