Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Here's the summary of one of the best days of my life (so far)...

I was getting ready to fly back home after being in Detroit for 2 days for work. I was running late to the plane and had been trying to get ahold of Jason to say goodbye and I love you (just like I do every time I'm getting on a plane). I had put my phone in my coat pocket just in case he called back while I was boarding the plane. Just as Southwest was about to call my "A group" I felt my phone ringing. Even though I have been checking my phone every 10 minutes for the past three weeks (really, that is NOT an exaggeration) this one time I didn't expect it to be anyone except my husband.

So IMAGINE my surprise when "Adoption Ark" flashed on the screen. When I answered, Anna said the 6 little words I have been praying for every day "I have some news for you!" and then the 5 best words I have ever heard, "We have your court date!!!!!" The coordinator in Kemerovo received our letter from Moscow yesterday and scheduled our court date for February 15th!!! We leave for Moscow on the 10th- 2 weeks from today!!!

Poor Anna (I think I've said that 200 hundred times on this blog), I could barely get through the conversation, I was standing in that Southwest line with everyone looking at me like I was crazy, crying like a blubbering fool! She asked me twice if I was okay, and I finally managed a "yes". She asked if it was a happy yes, and I said "YES!" :) I was SO excited to find out that we were also going to be traveling with our Trip 1 buddies, Sandra 1 & Sandra 2. EVEN BETTER!

Right before the plane took off I was finally able to reach Jason and tell him the news. We are both so excited! I also had to call Sandra right away! We had been on the phone the night before lamenting about our long wait and hoping together that we would hear soon. As you can imagine, she is as excited as we are! I tried to get ahold of my Mom and Dad, who turned out to be on a plane home from Florida. I talked to Grandpa Johnson, told him the news, found out that Mom and Dad were on a plane and then had to turn my phone off. Thank goodness it was a short flight, I was so excited to call my friends and family!

Thank you to everyone who has been praying for this to come sooner rather than later. Please keep praying for us and for Maks. We are starting a crazy journey that will start with a flight to Moscow and last the rest of our lives.

Here is the breakdown for all of those who would like to know...

Feb 10th- Leave for Moscow
Feb 11th- Arrive in Moscow- Go to Hotel
Feb 12th- 8 Medical Doctor Visit- all day for Jason & I in Moscow
Feb 13th- Leave for Kemerovo
Feb 14th- Arrive in Kemerovo- Go to Hotel
Feb 15th- COURT DAY!
Feb 16th- Not Sure-Hopefully to the Baby Home to see Maks again!
Feb 17th- Heading back to Moscow to wait out the mandatory 10 day wait
Feb 24th- Return to Kemerovo (overnight flight)
Feb 25th- Arrive in Kemerovo and hopefully go see Maks again!
Feb 26th- GO TO PICK UP OUR SON! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mar 1st- Paperwork day in Kemerovo
Mar 2nd- Leave for Moscow, arrive and go to hotel/apartment
Mar 3rd-Mar 9th- Appointments for Maks in Moscow

They really aren't waiving the 10 day waiting period anymore but it won't hurt for everyone to pray that it could happen! Of course we will update our trip from Russia, so stay tuned!!!!


  1. Congratulations! Let me know if you have any travel questions. I can't believe how long the trips are these days - a whole month. Wow!

  2. Hey Pooh,

    So excited for you two and for the rest of our family! I can't wait to have a new nephew to spoil like crazy. I just looked back at your previous posts and noticed how your first one started back over a YEAR ago! WOW what a process this has been but come Feb 26th it will be all worth it :) Love you guys. Luke and I are here to support and help with whatever you need! Ang

  3. WOW - you aren't the only one that had tears with this news. I'm so happy you finally got this call. I almost didn't check the blog thinking you probably didn't have any news yet. I'm so happy I did!!!!
    Thinking of both of you - Great Big Hugs.
    Love, Aunt Judy

  4. I am so happy for all of you.If you need anything let me know.Have a safe trip.I can't wait to see him.

    Love Phyllis
