Thursday, October 22, 2009

Planning Our Trip

Now that we've got the date, all of the craziness has begun. Its great craziness though! We just booked our tickets. We leave on November 14th at 11:00am. We're traveling through Washington DC and then on to Moscow. We have to catch a smaller regional plane from Siberia Airlines to Kemerovo. We'll basically land in Kemerovo around 6:30pm Chicago time on November 15th, or 7:30am (November 16th) in Kemerovo. Lots of planes!

Just in case you were wondering, we'll be meeting Maks around Midnight Chicago time on November 16th, it will be 1:00pm-ish in Kemerovo. Seems chaotic, not sure how one's body figures out when to sleep, when to eat, etc... The good news is that the hotel has a 24 hour restaurant, so you could stay on Chicago time if you want.

We're going to try to post a picture or two after we meet him on the 16th so you all can see his cute little self!

Thank you to everyone for all of your well wishes and support. We truly do appreciate it!


  1. Se excited for you guys. Do not worry you'll be excited to eat or sleep. You can do all that on the plane ride home.

  2. Wonderful story. So happy for you. We hope to travel and meet our almost 3 yr old girl this Spring. We are 6 months into the adoption. How long has this taken you to get to this point?
    Please keep me posted w/ pictures. I'll pray for you and wave as you fly over our heads in the DC area.
