Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Latest Word

Last week Alina emailed us that the Ministry of Education is doing an audit on the Department of Education in Kemerovo. So basically now that they are all back from vacation, adoptions are still on hold while they all scramble around for this audit. The first families wont be scheduled now until October, which means we will probably be traveling in November or December. Really hard to believe and swallow. Everyone keeps saying to be patient, its just a blip in time. I'm trying! The delays coupled with the IVF nightmare are getting pretty crazy. We have stopped planning for anything at this point. Time to just let it happen how its going to happen.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Photography Project

I heard from Alina again today. No new word. I guess I don't understand what is going on at this point. We're just going to stay positive and hope to hear soon. She is going to send us the information to get our Court Paperwork done which will be good. This will hopefully help us shorten the time between the 2 trips and be better prepared.

On another note I'm going to start taking more photography classes in the next two weeks. (I'm keeping myself busy!) I'm going to be working on a project with internationally adopted children. If any of you know of anyone who has adopted internationally and might be open to having some pictures of their family and their adoption story shared with the public, let me know. They can either reach out to me or I can give them a call if you have their info.